Missoula, MT · (208) 874-3464 · kara.cromwell@gmail.com
PhD Dept. of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018 Focus Areas: Disease Ecology, Aquatic Ecology; Advisor: Barbara Peckarsky
MS Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho, 2009 Focus Areas: Predator-prey Interactions, Salmonid Ecology; Advisor: Brian Kennedy
BA English, Walla Walla College, College Place, WA, 2005
BS Biology, Walla Walla College, College Place, WA, 2003
PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS: ecology of host-parasite interactions · environmental change and disease · parasite evolutionary ecology · stream ecology · behavioral ecology · trophic interactions · field studies · place-based research · science communication and outreach · public science · conservation and awareness of uncharismatic organisms
Research & Related Professional Experience
Research Experience
Dissertation Research—Ecology of Host-Parasite Interactions (2012-2018) Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI. Used observations and experiments at multiple scales to empirically test for environmental drivers of parasitism in a high-elevation watershed that is experiencing biotic and abiotic changes. Discovered impacts of temperature and non-native predators on disease distribution and multiple dimensions of host-parasite interactions. Advisor: Bobbi Peckarsky
Lab Assistant—Evolutionary Ecology (2009-2011) Department of Biology, University of California, Riverside, CA. Assisting in pilot studies on 1) the effects of killifish presence on recruitment and growth rates of Trinidadian guppies in an experimental mesocosm and 2) the effects of variable habitat permanence on life history evolution in African killifish. Work included experimental mesocosm construction, fish husbandry and fish mark-and-recapture. Principle Investigator: Dr. David Reznick
Master’s Thesis Research—Fishery Ecology (2006-2009) Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. Completed an MS study of spatial variation in trophic and demographic patterns in wild Chinook salmon, evaluating habitat, food availability and competitive interactions as determinants of growth and survival. Conducted stream and riparian habitat assessment, snorkel and electrofishing surveys, fish behavior observations, macroinvertebrate sampling and identification, fish stomach content analysis and stable isotope analysis. Advisor: Dr. Brian Kennedy
Field Research Technician—Salmon Ecology (2008) Salmonid Research Observatory Network, Flathead Lake Biological Research Station, Polson, MT. Conducted salmonid population surveys and stream habitat assessment, measured hydro-geomorphology, water chemistry and nutrient availability, and collected plant and animal samples for stable isotope analysis in the Salmon River watershed, ID. Program Leader: Dr. Jack Stanford
Field Research Technician—Physiological Ecology (2004) Department of Biological Sciences, Walla Walla College, College Place, WA. Measured habitat use, in situ oxygen consumption, movement rates and ammonia consumption in holothurians to determine diel cycles of activity, metabolism and nutrient recycling in the Agan An Marine Reserve, Philippines and Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory, Anacortes, WA. Work included day and night SCUBA diving to measure habitat, movements, foraging behavior, nutrient excretion and oxygen intake of sea cucumbers. Principle Investigator: Dr. James Nestler
Research Intern—History of Science (2003-2004) National Museum of Health and Medicine, Silver Spring, MD. Conducted research to generate museum publications and exhibitions for the anatomical collection and historical archives. Developed explanatory notes and exhibition brochures for collections, and catalogued and captioned photographic images for museum exhibition. Supervisor: Dr. Adrianne Noe
Undergraduate Independent Research—Marine Ecology (2003) Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory, Anacortes, WA. Evaluated food preferences for three species of nudibranchs from the Puget Sound, WA through a laboratory experiment designed to monitor foraging preferences through videography and direct observation. Supervisors: Drs. Larry McCloskey and James Nestler
Relevant Work Experience
Biologist and Assistant Director (2009-2011) Mary Vagle Nature Center. Fontana, CA. Developed environmental science curriculum for grades K-12, emphasizing urban ecology and water resources; created science internship program for high school and undergraduate students, mentoring them in independent research; acquired grant funding for microscopy equipment for new classroom science programs; curated live animal exhibit; collaborated in design and construction of interpretive exhibits.
Public Events Coordinator (2004-2005) Humanities Department, Walla Walla College, College Place, WA. Designed and organized campus-based events to promote environmental humanities, emphasizing literature and place in the Pacific northwest.
Research Grants & Fellowships
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation, 2016 $16,380
Novel Ecosystems IGERT Traineeship, National Science Foundation via UW-Madison, 2014-2016
IGERT Collaborative Small Grant, UW-Madison, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology $1925
Research Travel Award, Center for Culture, History and Environment, UW-Madison, 2015 $2000
Graduate Research Award, Dept. of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison 2015 $1900
GSSA Research Travel Award, UW-Madison School of Graduate Studies, 2015 $687
Student Research Travel Award, UW-Madison School of Graduate Studies, 2015 $600
Graduate Research Fellowship, Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory, 2015 $450
IGERT Collaborate Small Grant, UW-Madison, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology $1500
Conference Travel Award, Center for Culture, History and Environment, UW-Madison, 2014 $500
Anna Grant Birge Memorial Award, Center for Limnology, UW-Madison, 2014 $900
Graduate Research Award, Dept. of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison, 2014 $1070
Graduate Research Fellowship, Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory, 2014 $450
Vilas Research Travel Grant, UW-Madison School of Graduate Studies, 2014 $600
John Jefferson Davis Travel Award, Dept. of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison, 2014 $600
Kurt Gerstle Fellowship, Colorado Mountain Club Foundation, 2013 $2500
George L. Disborough Research Grant, Trout Unlimited, 2013 $1000
Graduate Research Fellowship, Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory, 2013 $650
Anna Grant Birge Memorial Award, Center for Limnology, UW-Madison, 2013 $900
High Achievement Scholarship PhD Year 1 Dept. of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison, 2012 $500
Graduate Research Award, Dept. of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison, 2012 $6000
John Jefferson Davis Travel Award, Dept. of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison, 2012 $400
Anna Grant Birge Memorial Award, Center for Limnology, UW-Madison, 2012 $1700
Stanley Dodson Memorial Fellowship, Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory, 2012 $3700
Student Endowment Award, Society for Freshwater Science 2012 $600
Biological Sciences Scholar Award, UW-Madison Graduate School 2011 $1500
K-12 Science Plus Education Grant, 3M Company 2010 $3500
Travel Award, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Univ. of Idaho, 2008 $400
Student Grant Program Research Award, University of Idaho, 2007 $1500
Wilderness Research Award, DeVlieg Foundation, 2007 $4000
Jeff Braatne, PhD Memorial Scholarship, College of Natural Resources, Univ. of Idaho, 2007$1000
*undergraduate coauthor
Radeloff, V.C., J.W. Williams, B.L. Bateman, K.D. Burke, S.K. Carter, E.S. Childress, K.J. Cromwell, C. Gratton, A.O. Hasley, B.M. Kraemer, A.W. Latzka, E. Marin-Spiotta, C.D. Meine, S.E. Munoz, T.M. Neeson, A.M. Pidgeon, A.R. Rissman, R.J. Rivera, L.M. Szymanski, J. Usinowicz (2015) The rise of novelty in ecosystems. Ecological Applications 25(8):2051-2068.
Cromwell, K.J. and B.P. Kennedy (2011) Diel distribution, behavior and consumption of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a Wilderness stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 20: 421-430.
Holecek, D.E.*, K.J. Cromwell and B.P. Kennedy (2009) Age-0 Chinook Salmon Habitat Use, Availability, and Selection in a Central Idaho Wilderness Stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138: 633-644.
In Review, Submitted or in Prep
Cromwell, K.J. and B.L.Peckarksy. In prep. The interaction of temperature and host-parasite phenology in driving parasitism in high-altitude streams.
Cromwell, K.J. and B.L.Peckarksy. In prep. Endoparasites deplete host resources to avoid costs of predation risk on growth.
Cromwell, K.J., B.R. Swift* and B.L.Peckarksy. In prep. Single-host parasites alter multiple dimensions of host phenotype to decrease consumption by top predators.
Cromwell, K.J., and B.L.Peckarksy. In prep. Parasites that manipulate insect hosts for dispersal do not benefit from increases in host oviposition sites.
Cromwell, K.J., L.M. Joyce and W.H. Lowe. In prep. The hydrology of disease: how flow dynamics influence parasites and infections in fluvial habitats.
Sanders, A.J., B.W. Taylor, K.J. Cromwell, and J.J. Giacomini. In prep. Effects of a diverse set of parasites on nutrient recycling by their hosts.
Cromwell, K.J. and B.P. Kennedy. In prep. Disparities in macroinvertebrate benthic abundance and drift in a Wilderness watershed and their relationship to juvenile salmon foraging.
Professional Presentations
*undergraduate coauthor
Cromwell, K. and B. Peckarsky (2016) "How do host-parasite life history and abiotic environmental context interact to determine parasite prevalence?" Oral presentation. Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA
Hamilton, J.*, B. Peckarsky and K. Cromwell (2016) "Heavy metal pollution and parasitism affect mayfly drift behavior and susceptibility to stonefly predation." Oral presentation. Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA
Swift, B. *, B. Peckarsky and K. Cromwell (2016) The effect of parasitism on drift behavior and consequences for trout predation of larvae of the mayfly Baetis bicaudatus. Oral presentation. Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA
Cromwell, K.J. and B.L. Peckarsky (2014) “Feeding with the enemy: parasites and predators alter grazing behavior of mayflies.” Oral presentation. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR
Cromwell, K.J., J.T. Osvatic*, E.N. Weinkauf* and B.L. Peckarsky (2014) “Undergraduate research for community engagement.” Poster presentation. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR
Hamilton, J.*, B. Peckarsky and K. Cromwell (2014) “The effect of long-term metal exposure and mermithid parasitism on behavior and predation of larval mayflies by stonefly larvae.” Oral presentation. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR
Peckarsky, B., K. Cromwell and B. Taylor (2014) “Effects of climate change on parasite-host interactions among stream organisms.” Oral presentation. Abstract invited by the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR
Cromwell, K.J. (2013) “Telling science stories: when it gets ugly.” Oral presentation. Graduate Student Symposium, Center for Culture, History and Environment, Madison, WI
Cromwell, K.J., C.B. Robbins* and B.L. Peckarsky (2012) “Effects of environmental change on parasitism in mayflies.” Oral presentation. Society for Freshwater Science, Louisville, KY
Cromwell, K.J. and B.P. Kennedy (2009) “Relationships between benthic and drift production and the trophic transfer of energy to juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).” Poster presentation. American Fisheries Society Idaho Chapter Meeting, Boise, ID. Winner: Best Student Poster Award
Cromwell, K.J. and B.P. Kennedy (2008) “The relative roles of biotic and abiotic factors in determining growth of juvenile Chinook in an Idaho wilderness stream.” Poster presentation. American Fisheries Society Idaho Chapter Meeting, Post Falls, ID
Holecek, D.E.*, K.J. Cromwell and B.P. Kennedy (2008) “Juvenile Chinook Salmon Microhabitat Use, Availability, and Selection in a Central Idaho Wilderness Stream.” Poster presentation. American Fisheries Society Idaho Chapter Meeting, Post Falls, ID
Cromwell, K.J., D.E. Holecek* and B.P. Kennedy. (2007) “Relating density of juvenile Chinook salmon to habitat availability in a wilderness stream.” Poster presentation. Wild Trout Symposium IX, West Yellowstone, MT
Cromwell, K. Dennison, R. Wheeling, A. Wolffing, J. Nestler. (2005). “Diel Cycles of Activity, Metabolism, and Nutrient Production in Tropical Sea Cucumbers.” Poster presentation. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Teaching & Mentoring Experience
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant (2011-2014) Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Courses: Introductory Biology, Ecology of Fishes
Teaching Assistant (2006) Department of Fish & Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho. Courses: Fish Ecology
Teaching Assistant (2003-2005) Humanities Department, Walla Walla College. Courses: Honors Research Writing, Literature of the Pacific Northwest, Humanities Seminar, Stylistics
Elementary & Secondary Substitute School Teacher (2002-2003) Spencerville Junior Academy, Silver Spring, MD. Instructed classes as needed for all subjects and all grades K-10
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (2002) Department of Biological Sciences, Walla Walla College, College Place, WA. Courses: Biology for General Studies
Mentoring Experience
*Co-authored publication; †Presented at national conference; +Presented at public symposium
2015-2016 Benjamin Swift*†+ (Rocky Mt. Biological Lab): Host-parasite-predator interactions
2013-2014 Jasmine Hamilton†+ (Rocky Mt. Biological Lab): Parasitism in metal-contaminated streams
Jay Osvatic+ (Univ. of Wisconsin): Effects of stream restoration on primary production
Erin Weinkauf+ (Univ. of Wisconsin): Macroinvertebrate responses to stream restoration
Maggie Sobelevski+ (Univ. of Wisconsin): Macroinvertebrate responses to stream restoration
2006-2007 Dean Holecek*† (Univ. of Idaho): Juvenile Chinook salmon habitat selection
Public Science Outreach
Popular Science Writing & Media
Cromwell, Kara. “Life in the Cold: Exploring Winter Streams.” Fall/Winter 2018. Montana Naturalist. (Magazine article)
Cromwell, Kara. “100 centuries of squash growers can’t be wrong.” Field Notes, KUFM Missoula. Oct. 2018 (Public radio broadcast)
Connors, Michael with Kara Cromwell. 2016. Mayfly. (Children’s ebook available on iTunes)
Stack-Whitney, Kaitlin. “Science as Storytelling, Scientists as Storytellers.” Perpetual Notion Machine, WORT FM, Madison, WI. (Public radio interview with Kara Cromwell and Michael Connors)
Public Talks
Research Tour Leader (2014) Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory
Wednesday Nite @the Lab Public Science Talk (2013), UW-Madison
Cromwell, K.J. (2013) “Telling science stories: when it gets ugly.” Center for Culture, History and Environment, Madison, WI
Environmental Education
Exploration Station Volunteer for UW-Madison Zoology Dept., (2014) Wisconsin Institutes of Discovery Science Expedition, UW-Madison
Kids Nature Camp Volunteer (2014) Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory
College for Kids Instructor (2012-2014) Winter Limnology Program, UW-Madison
Exploration Station Leader for UW-Madison Zoology Dept., (2012-2013) Wisconsin Institutes of Discovery Science Expedition, UW-Madison
Citizen Scientist Symposium Volunteer for Stream Ecology & Climate Change Session (2012) Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory
Kids Nature Camp Volunteer for ‘Mystery Insect Week!’ (2012) Rocky Mt. Biological Laboratory
Mentor (2012) Middle School Science Symposium, Madison, WI
Environmental Education Assistant (2006-2007) Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute, Moscow, ID
Outdoor Educator and Guide (2003-2004) Pathfinder Youth Organization, Silver Spring, MD
Professional Honors & Awards
The Ecological Society of America, Eco-Arts Festival, 1st and 2nd Places in Poetry, 2009
Best Student Poster, Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2009
Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of Idaho Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, 2008-2009
Alumni Award for Excellence, University of Idaho, 2007
Donald Rigby Award in Biology, Walla Walla College, 2003
Norma Gardner Memorial English Scholarship, Walla Walla College, 2003
Solomon Award for achievement in interdisciplinary scholarship, Walla Walla College, 2002
Professional Service
Professional Development Workshop Co-organizer (2016) University of Wisconsin-Madison; with Peter Guiden. Data Visualization workshop for graduate students studying socio-ecological systems
Professional Development Workshop Co-organizer (2014) University of Wisconsin-Madison; with Alex Latzka. Data Management workshop for graduate students studying socio-ecological systems
Outreach Committee Member (2012) Center for Limnology, UW-Madison
Invited Judge (2010) Speak-off Competition, Topic: Natural Resources Education in High School, Highland, CA
Secretary (2007-2009) Graduate and Professional Student Association, Univ. of Idaho
Graduate Student Representative (2007-2008) Graduate Council, Univ. of Idaho
Committee Member (2007-2008) Rules and Administration Committee, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Univ. of Idaho
Fish and Wildlife Resources Dept. Representative (2006-2008) Graduate and Professional Student Association, Univ. of Idaho
Secretary (2006-2007) American Fisheries Society, Palouse Unit, Moscow, ID
Travel Awards Committee Member (2006-2007) Graduate and Professional Student Association, Univ. of Idaho
Professional Affiliations
Society for Freshwater Science
Ecological Society of AmerT